Have you had ever taken the time to think of Interim Management as a career opportunity? When thinking about it, did you end-up with more market threats or opportunities ? Did you consider your strengths and weaknesses in an objective way taking into account the specificities of this career? How deep do you know this career to be able to take the right decision for you and what are your believes based on?
Senior Managers will more and more consider this career opportunity but not always with the right motivation. Indeed, the economic context and the narrowing number of permanent positions offered to them on the market represent the potential danger to jump into this career for the bad reasons.
Interim Management career is a great career opportunity...This may be true but not for everybody. Although it is a growing market sector, Interim Management remains too little known by potential candidates and even in general.
The mindset you need when starting a mission and the client companies expectations’ for Interim Management assignments are quite different from the one in a permanent position. This does not mean that one career is better than the other, it means that your choice must be based on motivations knowing well all the specific features of this career. Twenty years of experience or more and an independent status are not sufficient criteria to consider you are ready for interim management or even in the right direction for your professional career life alignment. Interim Management career must be an informed and objective choice to be successful!
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